Stack & Tools

Bellow are the tool that i love to work with & have experience with. I'm always open to learn new things and improve my skills.


8+ years of experience with the best Full Stack Framework

Tailwind CSS

Day one user of the best utility-first CSS framework


The best, cleaner & DX powered progressive javascript framework

But that doesn't stop here!

As a full-stack developer i have had the chance to try out and work with a wide range of other web tools, here are some of them:

PHPLivewireTypescriptSymfonyNodePostgreSQLMySQLNginxDevOpsGitAWSAzureServrlessReactNextNuxtShadcnRadixVitestPest & PHP UnitPhotoshop & DesignFigmaWordpressShopifyMagentoJira & TrelloSEO & AnalyticsSMM Expert